Post Pandemic Ponderings

My closest friends will tell you I’m not one for hugs. I’m just not the one who hugs a friend every time I see them. No reason really, it’s just not me. And yet, for the last couple of months, I have hugged almost every friend I’ve seen, and I’m loving every second of those hugs.

I’m not going to lie, the last year was the hardest for me since battling post partum depression back in 2003/4. But I’m not going to dwell on that right now. (Anyone who is battling depression, or just “feeling low” is welcome to contact me if they want to talk – mental health is SO important, and this year has possibly brought that to the forefront of people’s attention).

What I want to dwell on are the positive things that have come from this pandemic, at least for me.

1. I have learned that putting safety first in my business will pay off.

2. I have learned that Shabbat meals with just the 5 of us can last hours, with lots of laughter and plenty of conversation.

3. I have learned that we don’t need big parties, just having small gatherings of a few people is a beautiful thing.

4. I have learned that some kids do amazing “in” Zoom school, while others do not.

5. I have learned that opposing opinions among friends can actually strengthen a friendship (unless they’re anti-vax, those people have no place in my life).

6. I have learned that physical contact, aka HUGS, with people other than my immediate family, are a beautiful thing.

So, if I haven’t seen you for a while, and we run into each other some time soon, don’t be surprised if I give you a really big hug – it’s my post-pandemic prerogative!

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