It’s still October 7

The 6 months since October cannot be described really. I’ve heard people use the term “rollercoaster”, but to me, most rollercoasters are fun, even if there are moments of fear while on the ride, when you get off the coaster at the end, you feel invigorated, elevated, on a high, you may even want to queue up to do it again.

This is not something that can be said about the reality since October 7th. Even when this war comes to an end, there will be nothing good about the feelings it will leave behind.

So many lives lost. So many lives changed forever. So many young people who have lost limbs, who have lost their friends. So many parents who have buried their children. So many grandparents who have buried grandchildren.
So many homeless. Refugees in their own country.
Cannot return home because they have no home to return to.
Cannot return home because it is not safe.
Cannot return home because of the trauma home now contains.

The world yet again has turned against Israel and the Jews. This tiny oasis in the Middle East. A paradise surrounded by enemies who want to annihilate her and her people, and who then want to go on and take over the West. The West who is so blind to the truth. The West who is so ignorant of the culture in this corner of the world. The West who bribes us to “stop the war” that we didn’t start, conveniently forgetting the complicity of the “civilians” they claim to be concerned about, in the actions of October 7th.

None of this should surprise me, and none of it really does. As the months go by, I understand more and more how the Holocaust happened, and how the Nazis got away with so much before the world intervened.
Today, with the instant access to photographic evidence, the live broadcast of the atrocities carried out by Gazans on October 7th, the world still continues to turn a blind eye. How much easier it was to turn a blind eye in the 1940s! When it took weeks for news to travel and for photographs to be developed.

No, we are not living on a rollercoaster right now. We are living on the hamster wheel of Jews and Israel. Round and round and round and round. Nothing changes. History repeats itself time and time again.

The only thing that we have to hold on to is our faith in God. Somehow we have to cling to that, and to believe in His Divine plan. I am not strong enough to allow that belief to hold me constantly. I am human after all. I cry most days, for the lives lost – those I knew, and those I do not. I cry for my son who is now a man, not because he is 20, but because of what he has seen. I cry for my daughters because I believe that one day they too will be mothers to children they will have to send to the army. I cry for them because of the friends they have lost, and the friends of friends, and the friends of friends of friends. Because we are a tiny country. There is no single person in Israel who has not been affected by this war. Everyone knows someone. Everyone has lost someone, or knows someone who has lost someone.
I cry for the hostages, alive and dead. Those who are still alive, may wish they were dead, for who knows what torture they are experiencing at the hands of these monsters. I cry for their families who just want them home. I cry for the children whose parents are gone, whose siblings are gone.
I cry for me, for the fear that envelopes me every time my son calls and says “I love you Mommy, they’re taking our phones”.

This is no rollercoaster. This is our lives. This is our existence. This is our past, our present and our future.
God, I cannot claim to know Your plan, I can only pray that the fate of these people will be like that of the others who have tried to destroy Your people. Just please hurry. Please.

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All money raised goes directly to help soldiers get equipment that can be lifesaving. Please specify Gdud 202/Elnadav Brooks at the end of your transaction in the box for messages. Thank you!