Friends Make My World Good

I’ve learned a lot about friendship in my 44 years.
I’ve learned that you have to work harder to maintain some friendships.
You have to decide which ones are worth the effort.
I’ve learned that some friendships will last the geographical distance, whereas others will simply fizzle out.
You have to decide whether or not this hurts you or makes you stronger.
I’ve learned that your best friends are not necessarily the friends with whom you agree with on everything, sometimes they are the ones with whom you frequently disagree. But because they are your friends, you can agree to disagree over and over and over again.
I’ve learned that my closest friends are the ones who are there for me, day in, day out, through thick and thin.
They may be the friends I have known for decades, or they may be the friends I’ve known for 6 months.
But they are there when I need them, and I want to be there for them when they need me.
I’ve learned that friendship is when I feel heartbroken along with a friend who is going through a difficult situation, and it is when I feel elated along with a friend who is celebrating something wonderful.
True friendship is being able to show up at a friend’s house unannounced, and that friend doesn’t care that she is in her pyjamas and hasn’t showered, or washed off last night’s makeup, and her house is messy, because she knows if you just showed up, you need to be with a friend right then.
True friendship is dropping everything, without a second thought, to rush to help your friend in need, no matter what the reason, no matter what your plans were.
Nothing has happened that prompted me to write this.
I just feel blessed that I am surrounded by true friends.
I feel lucky to have friends to whom I can turn when I need to.
I am grateful that with my friends, I do not have to hold my tongue and refrain from saying what I really think – even if I know that not a single one of my friends agrees with my opinion.
That’s okay, our friendship will survive our conflicting views.
To all my real friends reading this, you know who you are. I love each and every one of you, even when I think  you’re being a crazy paranoid hypochondriac (not necessarily all at once)